Freiburger Turnerschaft von 1844

The Freiburger Turnerschaft von 1844 e.V., FT 1844 Freiburg for short, is a sport club from Freiburg im Breisgau and is the largest sport club in south Baden with 6,500 members. The club is part of the Badischer Sportbund Freiburg, and is one of the founding members of the Freiburg Kreis (Sportverein).The club offers leisure sports, popular sports, and competitive sports. The club owns two private locations with sports facilities on about 50,000 m², as well as 18 off-site sports halls. About 1000 hours of sports are logged each week, about half of that under the guidance of trained personnel. Additionally, the club offers five social-pedagogical facilities as well as a sports elementary school for children.

Freiburger Turnerschaft von 1844

The Freiburger Turnerschaft von 1844 e.V., FT 1844 Freiburg for short, is a sport club from Freiburg im Breisgau and is the largest sport club in south Baden with 6,500 members. The club is part of the Badischer Sportbund Freiburg, and is one of the founding members of the Freiburg Kreis (Sportverein).The club offers leisure sports, popular sports, and competitive sports. The club owns two private locations with sports facilities on about 50,000 m², as well as 18 off-site sports halls. About 1000 hours of sports are logged each week, about half of that under the guidance of trained personnel. Additionally, the club offers five social-pedagogical facilities as well as a sports elementary school for children.