Frente Negra Brasileira

Frente Negra Brasileira (Black Brazilian Front), part of the Black Movement of Brazil, was Brazil's first Black political party. Formed in 1931 and active until the November 10, 1937 suspension of political parties by the then president, Getúlio Vargas, the Frente mobilized Brazil's Afro-Descendant community for a project of racial equality. Desegregation campaigns and popular education focusing on literacy were just two of the ways the Frente engaged in activism.

Frente Negra Brasileira

Frente Negra Brasileira (Black Brazilian Front), part of the Black Movement of Brazil, was Brazil's first Black political party. Formed in 1931 and active until the November 10, 1937 suspension of political parties by the then president, Getúlio Vargas, the Frente mobilized Brazil's Afro-Descendant community for a project of racial equality. Desegregation campaigns and popular education focusing on literacy were just two of the ways the Frente engaged in activism.