
Frenzic is a puzzle game released by The Iconfactory and ARTIS Software for Mac OS X on 17 February 2007 and later on the Nintendo DSiWare in November 2010. According to the game credits, the concept of the game was invented by Wolfgang Ante who gave the idea to The Iconfactory, and later did most of the programming for the game. Frenzic's tagline is, "Takes minutes to learn and months to master", which is heavily agreed on by its reviewers.


Frenzic is a puzzle game released by The Iconfactory and ARTIS Software for Mac OS X on 17 February 2007 and later on the Nintendo DSiWare in November 2010. According to the game credits, the concept of the game was invented by Wolfgang Ante who gave the idea to The Iconfactory, and later did most of the programming for the game. Frenzic's tagline is, "Takes minutes to learn and months to master", which is heavily agreed on by its reviewers.