Friend or Foe (film)

Friend or Foe is a 1982 British independent film that was directed by John Krish for the Children's Film Foundation. The film, which was given a theatrical release in April 1982, is based on the 1977 children's novel by the same name by Michael Morpurgo. It stars John Bardon, Stacy Tendeter, and John Holmes and concerns two young boys who are evacuated from London during WWII. Friend or Foe was later shown as part of a theatrical retrospective of Krish's work in 2013 and was also screened at the Melbourne International Film Festival in 2014.

Friend or Foe (film)

Friend or Foe is a 1982 British independent film that was directed by John Krish for the Children's Film Foundation. The film, which was given a theatrical release in April 1982, is based on the 1977 children's novel by the same name by Michael Morpurgo. It stars John Bardon, Stacy Tendeter, and John Holmes and concerns two young boys who are evacuated from London during WWII. Friend or Foe was later shown as part of a theatrical retrospective of Krish's work in 2013 and was also screened at the Melbourne International Film Festival in 2014.