G. B. Jones (book)

G. B. Jones, edited by Steve LaFreniere, is a book of the drawings and artwork of G. B. Jones, published by a New York City gallery in 1996 as a limited edition. The book features essays and commentaries on the work of G. B. Jones by Dennis Cooper, Kevin Killian, Dodie Bellamy, Vaginal Davis, Jena von Brücker, Caroline Azar, Jeffery Kennedy, and several others. Although G. B. Jones was widely available in the United States and Europe, copies of the book were seized at the Canada border and it was officially pronounced "banned in Canada" .

G. B. Jones (book)

G. B. Jones, edited by Steve LaFreniere, is a book of the drawings and artwork of G. B. Jones, published by a New York City gallery in 1996 as a limited edition. The book features essays and commentaries on the work of G. B. Jones by Dennis Cooper, Kevin Killian, Dodie Bellamy, Vaginal Davis, Jena von Brücker, Caroline Azar, Jeffery Kennedy, and several others. Although G. B. Jones was widely available in the United States and Europe, copies of the book were seized at the Canada border and it was officially pronounced "banned in Canada" .