Gadfly (database)

Gadfly is a relational database management system written in Python. Gadfly is a collection of Python modules that provides relational database functionality entirely implemented in Python. It supports a subset of the standard RDBMS Structured Query Language (SQL). Gadfly runs wherever Python runs and supports client/server on any platform that supports the standard Python socket interface. The file formats used by Gadfly for storage are cross-platform—a gadfly database directory can be moved from Windows 95 to Linux using a binary copying mechanism and gadfly will read and run the database.

Gadfly (database)

Gadfly is a relational database management system written in Python. Gadfly is a collection of Python modules that provides relational database functionality entirely implemented in Python. It supports a subset of the standard RDBMS Structured Query Language (SQL). Gadfly runs wherever Python runs and supports client/server on any platform that supports the standard Python socket interface. The file formats used by Gadfly for storage are cross-platform—a gadfly database directory can be moved from Windows 95 to Linux using a binary copying mechanism and gadfly will read and run the database.