Galgbacken, Vårgårda

Galgbackn, Vårgårda is a small town in Sweden that was the site of two execution facilities. One was approximately at the location where the current water tower is today. The place has been called Kåkakullen. The word is an old expression for a place where they hang people. The second was Northwest of the current Orregatan on the top of Kåkakullen. It is the better-preserved site.

Galgbacken, Vårgårda

Galgbackn, Vårgårda is a small town in Sweden that was the site of two execution facilities. One was approximately at the location where the current water tower is today. The place has been called Kåkakullen. The word is an old expression for a place where they hang people. The second was Northwest of the current Orregatan on the top of Kåkakullen. It is the better-preserved site.