Galloping Coroners

Galloping Coroners (native Hungarian name: Vágtázó Halottkémek, also as VHK, in German Rasende Leichenbeschauer) was a Hungarian underground rock band active among 1975-2001, reestablished in 2009. VHK established their unique "shaman punk", also defined as "psychedelic hardcore”. VHK is regarded as one of the most important alternative band from East-European block in the 80s. Permanent restrictions of Hungarian authorities made VHK hard to tour worldwide as Western bands, still their extatic concerts earned surprising success in Western-Europe. Though VHK won't become a worldwide music brand, Maximum Rock’N Roll (USA) told the band „equal in spirit and grit to faves like Sonic Youth or Big Black but with an identity all its own”. VHK is admired as highly important band by Iggy Pop, Henry

Galloping Coroners

Galloping Coroners (native Hungarian name: Vágtázó Halottkémek, also as VHK, in German Rasende Leichenbeschauer) was a Hungarian underground rock band active among 1975-2001, reestablished in 2009. VHK established their unique "shaman punk", also defined as "psychedelic hardcore”. VHK is regarded as one of the most important alternative band from East-European block in the 80s. Permanent restrictions of Hungarian authorities made VHK hard to tour worldwide as Western bands, still their extatic concerts earned surprising success in Western-Europe. Though VHK won't become a worldwide music brand, Maximum Rock’N Roll (USA) told the band „equal in spirit and grit to faves like Sonic Youth or Big Black but with an identity all its own”. VHK is admired as highly important band by Iggy Pop, Henry