
Gamerizon is a video game developer and publisher headquartered in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Gamerizon develops games for iPhone and iPad. The company's most profitable products on the Apple's App Store and include "Chop Chop Ninja", "Chop Chop Runner", "Chop Chop Tennis" and "Chop Chop Caveman". According to Gamerizon, 15 million "Chop Chop" games have been downloaded so far on the App Store and six of those have been downloaded a million times each. Gamerizon's Chop Chop series are easily recognizable by the cartoony look of their big-headed characters.


Gamerizon is a video game developer and publisher headquartered in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Gamerizon develops games for iPhone and iPad. The company's most profitable products on the Apple's App Store and include "Chop Chop Ninja", "Chop Chop Runner", "Chop Chop Tennis" and "Chop Chop Caveman". According to Gamerizon, 15 million "Chop Chop" games have been downloaded so far on the App Store and six of those have been downloaded a million times each. Gamerizon's Chop Chop series are easily recognizable by the cartoony look of their big-headed characters.