
Gasum Oy is an integrated gas company located in Espoo, Finland. It is the transmission system operator of the natural gas grid of Finland, as also the natural gas importer and seller. Gasum is a fully state-owned company, with 73.5% of the shares held by the state-owned Gasonia Oy and 26.5% by the State of Finland. Gasum was established in 1994. The CEO and Chairman of the Board is Johanna Lamminen.


Gasum Oy is an integrated gas company located in Espoo, Finland. It is the transmission system operator of the natural gas grid of Finland, as also the natural gas importer and seller. Gasum is a fully state-owned company, with 73.5% of the shares held by the state-owned Gasonia Oy and 26.5% by the State of Finland. Gasum was established in 1994. The CEO and Chairman of the Board is Johanna Lamminen.