Gay Mountain

Gay Mountain is a 90-second video created for UK broadcaster Channel 4 by its in-house advertising agency 4Creative. It first aired across all of Channel 4's television channels on the day of the official opening of the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics, 7 February 2014, having been released on YouTube the previous night, on 6 February 2014. Within 48 hours of its online release (by 8pm 8 February 2014), it had accumulated over half a million views. Channel 4 published the lyrics of Gay Mountain on its own website. They are:

Gay Mountain

Gay Mountain is a 90-second video created for UK broadcaster Channel 4 by its in-house advertising agency 4Creative. It first aired across all of Channel 4's television channels on the day of the official opening of the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics, 7 February 2014, having been released on YouTube the previous night, on 6 February 2014. Within 48 hours of its online release (by 8pm 8 February 2014), it had accumulated over half a million views. Channel 4 published the lyrics of Gay Mountain on its own website. They are: