Golden Emperor International Ltd. or commonly known as GeIL is a manufacturer of computer hardware components, based in Taipei, Taiwan with focus in DRAM and flash based memory products since 1993. Since then, GeIL has been concentrating in memory module design and manufacturing technology. The company employs around 300 people as of Q1 2009 with distribution in 50 countries worldwide. GeIL’s headquarters is located in Taipei, Taiwan, with branches in Hong Kong and China.


Golden Emperor International Ltd. or commonly known as GeIL is a manufacturer of computer hardware components, based in Taipei, Taiwan with focus in DRAM and flash based memory products since 1993. Since then, GeIL has been concentrating in memory module design and manufacturing technology. The company employs around 300 people as of Q1 2009 with distribution in 50 countries worldwide. GeIL’s headquarters is located in Taipei, Taiwan, with branches in Hong Kong and China.