
The Geroldsbach creek originates southern of Götzens on 1.900 m Sea Level. It is compound of 5 fan-like source waters. First it flows through the village and changes there its direction Northeast and passes through the district New-„Götzens“. It flows further down the Wilten Mount and merges at Sieglanger in Innsbruck with the Inn River. The creek has a length of 8 kilometres whereof 3.9 lies on Innsbruck city area. At high water or heavy rain the small stream became a danger so had to be straightened sporadically near living areas.


The Geroldsbach creek originates southern of Götzens on 1.900 m Sea Level. It is compound of 5 fan-like source waters. First it flows through the village and changes there its direction Northeast and passes through the district New-„Götzens“. It flows further down the Wilten Mount and merges at Sieglanger in Innsbruck with the Inn River. The creek has a length of 8 kilometres whereof 3.9 lies on Innsbruck city area. At high water or heavy rain the small stream became a danger so had to be straightened sporadically near living areas.