Girls' Generation videography

This is the videography of the South Korean girl group Girls' Generation. Girls' Generation have been in the music business ever since debuting in the mid-2007. The pop dance group Girls' Generation' is made up of 8 members including Taeyeon, Sunny, Tiffany, Hyoyeon, Yuri, Sooyoung, Yoona and Seohyun as of September 30, 2014 after member Jessica was dismissed from the group.

Girls' Generation videography

This is the videography of the South Korean girl group Girls' Generation. Girls' Generation have been in the music business ever since debuting in the mid-2007. The pop dance group Girls' Generation' is made up of 8 members including Taeyeon, Sunny, Tiffany, Hyoyeon, Yuri, Sooyoung, Yoona and Seohyun as of September 30, 2014 after member Jessica was dismissed from the group.