Gitaru Hydroelectric Power Station

The Gitaru Hydroelectric Power Station, also known as the Gitaru Dam, is a rock and earth-filled embankment dam on the Tana River in Kenya. It straddles the border between Embu and Machakos Counties in the Eastern Province. The primary purpose of the dam is hydroelectric power generation, and it supports a 225 megawatt power station. Construction on the dam began in 1975 and was completed in 1978. The power station was not commissioned until 1979. US$63 million in funding for the project was provided by the World Bank. The station is operated by the Kenya Electricity Generating Company and is part of the Seven Forks Scheme.

Gitaru Hydroelectric Power Station

The Gitaru Hydroelectric Power Station, also known as the Gitaru Dam, is a rock and earth-filled embankment dam on the Tana River in Kenya. It straddles the border between Embu and Machakos Counties in the Eastern Province. The primary purpose of the dam is hydroelectric power generation, and it supports a 225 megawatt power station. Construction on the dam began in 1975 and was completed in 1978. The power station was not commissioned until 1979. US$63 million in funding for the project was provided by the World Bank. The station is operated by the Kenya Electricity Generating Company and is part of the Seven Forks Scheme.