Godavari Water Disputes Tribunal

Government of India (GoI) constituted on 10 April 1969 Godavari Water Disputes Tribunal (GWDT) and Krishna Water Disputes Tribunal separately to adjudicate the river water utilization disputes among the river basin states of interstate rivers Godavari and Krishna under the provisions of Interstate River Water Disputes Act – 1956. Incidentally, both the tribunals were headed by Sri RS Bachawat as its chairman with Sri DM Bhandari and Sri DM Sen as its members. Godavari river basin is spread in the states ofTelaangana(TS) Maharashtra (MR), Orissa, old Madhya Pradshsh {later bifurcated into present Madhya Pradesh (MP) and Chhattisgarh}, Karnataka (K) and Andhra Pradesh (AP). Krishna river basin states Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh insisted on the quicker verdict of the KWDT as it

Godavari Water Disputes Tribunal

Government of India (GoI) constituted on 10 April 1969 Godavari Water Disputes Tribunal (GWDT) and Krishna Water Disputes Tribunal separately to adjudicate the river water utilization disputes among the river basin states of interstate rivers Godavari and Krishna under the provisions of Interstate River Water Disputes Act – 1956. Incidentally, both the tribunals were headed by Sri RS Bachawat as its chairman with Sri DM Bhandari and Sri DM Sen as its members. Godavari river basin is spread in the states ofTelaangana(TS) Maharashtra (MR), Orissa, old Madhya Pradshsh {later bifurcated into present Madhya Pradesh (MP) and Chhattisgarh}, Karnataka (K) and Andhra Pradesh (AP). Krishna river basin states Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh insisted on the quicker verdict of the KWDT as it