
A Goguette was a singing society in France and Belgium, and its members were called goguettiers. As well as providing venues for informal solo and ensemble singing, goguettes also served as places for drinking, socialising, and recreation. Goguettes can trace their history back to 1729 and the "Société du Caveau" in Paris, founded by poet and chansonnier Pierre Gallet (1698-1757), but their heyday was in the years 1818-1900. They can still be found today.


A Goguette was a singing society in France and Belgium, and its members were called goguettiers. As well as providing venues for informal solo and ensemble singing, goguettes also served as places for drinking, socialising, and recreation. Goguettes can trace their history back to 1729 and the "Société du Caveau" in Paris, founded by poet and chansonnier Pierre Gallet (1698-1757), but their heyday was in the years 1818-1900. They can still be found today.