Golden Gate Killer

Golden Gate Killer is an interactive police detective simulation developed and produced by Interworks and released in 1995, and published by Grolier Electronic Publishing Inc. Based mostly on Full Motion Video and photo graphics, the player takes up the role of a San Francisco Police Department detective tasked with clearing up a series of murders. Based on the real life murder case of Colvin McCright. The player's tasks encompass examining crime scenes and securing evidence as well as interrogating witnesses and suspects to uncover the identity of the serial killer.

Golden Gate Killer

Golden Gate Killer is an interactive police detective simulation developed and produced by Interworks and released in 1995, and published by Grolier Electronic Publishing Inc. Based mostly on Full Motion Video and photo graphics, the player takes up the role of a San Francisco Police Department detective tasked with clearing up a series of murders. Based on the real life murder case of Colvin McCright. The player's tasks encompass examining crime scenes and securing evidence as well as interrogating witnesses and suspects to uncover the identity of the serial killer.