Grantray-Lawrence Animation

Grantray-Lawrence Animation was an animated cartoon studio active from 1954 to 1967 and founded by Grant Simmons, Ray Patterson (hence "Grant-Ray"), and Robert Lawrence. This animation company produced commercials and low-budget television animation productions until it went bankrupt in 1967 and Its distributor, Krantz Films took over the production. Its productions included: * Planet Patrol (1958; failed pilot) * The Marvel Super Heroes (1966-1967) * Max, the 2000-Year-Old Mouse (1967) * Rocket Robin Hood (uncredited) * Spider-Man (Season 1 only)

Grantray-Lawrence Animation

Grantray-Lawrence Animation was an animated cartoon studio active from 1954 to 1967 and founded by Grant Simmons, Ray Patterson (hence "Grant-Ray"), and Robert Lawrence. This animation company produced commercials and low-budget television animation productions until it went bankrupt in 1967 and Its distributor, Krantz Films took over the production. Its productions included: * Planet Patrol (1958; failed pilot) * The Marvel Super Heroes (1966-1967) * Max, the 2000-Year-Old Mouse (1967) * Rocket Robin Hood (uncredited) * Spider-Man (Season 1 only)