Great Productions

Great Productions is a Pinewood Studios-based film production company, specialising in feature films and documentaries. Their current project is filming the 40-part documentary series Great West End Theatres. In their review of the series, the British Theatre Guide said "This film is as close as one can get to standing on the stage taking an ovation. This series is beautifully filmed and gets the balance exactly right between classy camera work, history, reminiscence and gossip." The company has three feature films and several further documentaries slated for production in 2014-15.

Great Productions

Great Productions is a Pinewood Studios-based film production company, specialising in feature films and documentaries. Their current project is filming the 40-part documentary series Great West End Theatres. In their review of the series, the British Theatre Guide said "This film is as close as one can get to standing on the stage taking an ovation. This series is beautifully filmed and gets the balance exactly right between classy camera work, history, reminiscence and gossip." The company has three feature films and several further documentaries slated for production in 2014-15.