Greater (flamingo)

Greater, also known as Flamingo One and Flamingo 1, (died January 30, 2014) was the world's oldest greater flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus), residing at the Adelaide Zoo in Adelaide, Australia. It was at least 83 years old, having arrived at the zoo from either Cairo or Hamburg (records are unclear) in either 1933, 1930, 1925, or 1919 (the dates of the last four importations of greater flamingos to the Adelaide Zoo) at which point it was already a full-grown adult. Greater's sex was never determined.

Greater (flamingo)

Greater, also known as Flamingo One and Flamingo 1, (died January 30, 2014) was the world's oldest greater flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus), residing at the Adelaide Zoo in Adelaide, Australia. It was at least 83 years old, having arrived at the zoo from either Cairo or Hamburg (records are unclear) in either 1933, 1930, 1925, or 1919 (the dates of the last four importations of greater flamingos to the Adelaide Zoo) at which point it was already a full-grown adult. Greater's sex was never determined.