HSC Wight Ryder I

HSC Wight Ryder I is the first of Wightlink's new purpose built high-speed passenger catamarans to operate the Ryde to Portsmouth ferry route. It was introduced along with sister ship HSC Wight Ryder II. Both vessels left their construction site in the Philippines in June 2009, and began service in September 2009. In preparation for the new vessels berth improvements at both Portsmouth Harbour and Ryde Pier were carried out. The vessels form part of a multi-million pound investment by Wightlink across its cross-Solent routes. The existing vessels, FastCat Ryde and FastCat Shanklin will be phased out on arrival of the new ones by the Spring, when they will be sold on to new owners in Bristol.

HSC Wight Ryder I

HSC Wight Ryder I is the first of Wightlink's new purpose built high-speed passenger catamarans to operate the Ryde to Portsmouth ferry route. It was introduced along with sister ship HSC Wight Ryder II. Both vessels left their construction site in the Philippines in June 2009, and began service in September 2009. In preparation for the new vessels berth improvements at both Portsmouth Harbour and Ryde Pier were carried out. The vessels form part of a multi-million pound investment by Wightlink across its cross-Solent routes. The existing vessels, FastCat Ryde and FastCat Shanklin will be phased out on arrival of the new ones by the Spring, when they will be sold on to new owners in Bristol.