Hack Canada

Hack Canada is a Canadian organization run by hackers and phreakers that provides information mainly about telephones, computer technology, and legal issues related to technology. Founded in 1998 by CYBØRG/ASM, HackCanada has been in media publications many times, including Wired News and the Edmonton Sun newspaper (as well as other regional newspapers) for developments such as A Palm Pilot red boxing program. Hackcanada has also been featured in books such as Hacking for Dummies (ISBN 076455784X) and Steal This Computer Book. Hackcanada was also featured often on the Hacker News Network.

Hack Canada

Hack Canada is a Canadian organization run by hackers and phreakers that provides information mainly about telephones, computer technology, and legal issues related to technology. Founded in 1998 by CYBØRG/ASM, HackCanada has been in media publications many times, including Wired News and the Edmonton Sun newspaper (as well as other regional newspapers) for developments such as A Palm Pilot red boxing program. Hackcanada has also been featured in books such as Hacking for Dummies (ISBN 076455784X) and Steal This Computer Book. Hackcanada was also featured often on the Hacker News Network.