
Haguregumo (浮浪雲, literally "Wandering Cloud") is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by George Akiyama. It has been serialized by Shogakukan in Big Comic Original since 1973 and collected in 108 tankōbon as of 2016. Haguregumo received the 1979 Shogakukan Manga Award for general category. It was adapted into a movie in 1982 by Madhouse Studios and Toei Animation. Directed by Mori Masaki, it premiered in Japan on the 24 April 1982.


Haguregumo (浮浪雲, literally "Wandering Cloud") is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by George Akiyama. It has been serialized by Shogakukan in Big Comic Original since 1973 and collected in 108 tankōbon as of 2016. Haguregumo received the 1979 Shogakukan Manga Award for general category. It was adapted into a movie in 1982 by Madhouse Studios and Toei Animation. Directed by Mori Masaki, it premiered in Japan on the 24 April 1982.