Haunted Castle (2001 film)

Haunted Castle is a 2001 Belgian/American animated horror film in IMAX theaters. The film is rated PG and is computer-animated with 3D effects. Written by Kurt Frey and directed by co-writer Ben Stassen, the film plays out very much like many modern video games, and can be divided into two types of segments: those in which the audience is seeing through the eyes of the main character, and those in which a scene plays out where the main character is actually in the shot.

Haunted Castle (2001 film)

Haunted Castle is a 2001 Belgian/American animated horror film in IMAX theaters. The film is rated PG and is computer-animated with 3D effects. Written by Kurt Frey and directed by co-writer Ben Stassen, the film plays out very much like many modern video games, and can be divided into two types of segments: those in which the audience is seeing through the eyes of the main character, and those in which a scene plays out where the main character is actually in the shot.