Health in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Health in Bosnia and Herzegovina was impacted by the Balkan War of the early 1990s, during which Bosnia and Herzegovina declared their independence. Bosnia faced many challenges during the war, including bombings throughout the country that ruined much of the infrastructure. Parallel regimes took over Bosnia and flipped the country upside down with land mines, bullets, and bombings. The war displaced over 800,000 refugees and killed over 100,000 people. The war in Bosnia also consisted of an ethnic “cleanse” of Bosnian Muslims initiated by Bosnian Serbs, which included containment of Bosniaks in concentration camps. The war ended with NATO involvement and the Dayton Agreement in 1995. The Dayton Agreement acknowledges Bosnia and Herzegovina as a democratic country and the country is moving

Health in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Health in Bosnia and Herzegovina was impacted by the Balkan War of the early 1990s, during which Bosnia and Herzegovina declared their independence. Bosnia faced many challenges during the war, including bombings throughout the country that ruined much of the infrastructure. Parallel regimes took over Bosnia and flipped the country upside down with land mines, bullets, and bombings. The war displaced over 800,000 refugees and killed over 100,000 people. The war in Bosnia also consisted of an ethnic “cleanse” of Bosnian Muslims initiated by Bosnian Serbs, which included containment of Bosniaks in concentration camps. The war ended with NATO involvement and the Dayton Agreement in 1995. The Dayton Agreement acknowledges Bosnia and Herzegovina as a democratic country and the country is moving