Heart Throbs

Heart Throbs was a romance comic published by Quality Comics and DC Comics from 1949 to 1972. Quality published the book from 1949–1957, when it was acquired by DC. Most issues featured a number of short comics stories, as well advice columns, text pieces, and filler. The long-running feature "3 Girls—Their Lives—Their Loves," drawn by Jay Scott Pike and inked by Russ Jones, ran in Heart Throbs from 1966–1970.

Heart Throbs

Heart Throbs was a romance comic published by Quality Comics and DC Comics from 1949 to 1972. Quality published the book from 1949–1957, when it was acquired by DC. Most issues featured a number of short comics stories, as well advice columns, text pieces, and filler. The long-running feature "3 Girls—Their Lives—Their Loves," drawn by Jay Scott Pike and inked by Russ Jones, ran in Heart Throbs from 1966–1970.