Hemp juice

Hemp juice made from industrial hemp is a drug-free, non-psychoactive juice pressed with pressure from the Cannabis sativa plant. The juice is obtained through a large-scale industrial cold-pressing procedure using the upper parts of the hemp plant as well as the leaves. This procedure clearly distinguishes hemp juice from other hemp products such as hemp oil, hemp sprouts or hemp milk, which are solely obtained through the seeds of the hemp plant as opposed to the green hemp leaves used for the juice. The hemp juice production therefore makes use of a valuable part of the industrial hemp plant which has previously been neglected and not been used but instead been left on the fields to decompose. In particular, hemp juice offers a base for a variety of drug-free products in the areas of nu

Hemp juice

Hemp juice made from industrial hemp is a drug-free, non-psychoactive juice pressed with pressure from the Cannabis sativa plant. The juice is obtained through a large-scale industrial cold-pressing procedure using the upper parts of the hemp plant as well as the leaves. This procedure clearly distinguishes hemp juice from other hemp products such as hemp oil, hemp sprouts or hemp milk, which are solely obtained through the seeds of the hemp plant as opposed to the green hemp leaves used for the juice. The hemp juice production therefore makes use of a valuable part of the industrial hemp plant which has previously been neglected and not been used but instead been left on the fields to decompose. In particular, hemp juice offers a base for a variety of drug-free products in the areas of nu