Hermitage Volunteer Service

The Hermitage Volunteer Service of the State Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg, Russia is an organisation which unites foreign and Russian students through a programme that provides opportunities to get a better understanding of the work of the State Hermitage Museum, as well as take part in the preparation of many interesting events and projects. The program aids the Hermitage with its external and internal activities and functions as an informal link between the museum staff and the public, making the knowledge of the museum’s experts accessible to the general community. Volunteers also develop projects reflecting their own personal goals and interests in connection with the museum.

Hermitage Volunteer Service

The Hermitage Volunteer Service of the State Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg, Russia is an organisation which unites foreign and Russian students through a programme that provides opportunities to get a better understanding of the work of the State Hermitage Museum, as well as take part in the preparation of many interesting events and projects. The program aids the Hermitage with its external and internal activities and functions as an informal link between the museum staff and the public, making the knowledge of the museum’s experts accessible to the general community. Volunteers also develop projects reflecting their own personal goals and interests in connection with the museum.