Hero: 108

Hero: 108 is an British/Taiwanese/American animated television series that has aired on Cartoon Network and the Cartoon Network international cable network, and Kabillion OnDemand channel in the United States that was created by Yang-Ming Tarng. The series was produced by Taffy Entertainment, in association with Gamania, Hong Ying Animation, Telegael Teoranta, and Turner Entertainment Networks International Ltd. It premiered on March 1, 2010.

Hero: 108

Hero: 108 is an British/Taiwanese/American animated television series that has aired on Cartoon Network and the Cartoon Network international cable network, and Kabillion OnDemand channel in the United States that was created by Yang-Ming Tarng. The series was produced by Taffy Entertainment, in association with Gamania, Hong Ying Animation, Telegael Teoranta, and Turner Entertainment Networks International Ltd. It premiered on March 1, 2010.