Hex Angel

Hex Angel: Utopia/Dystopia (2003) is an electro-industrial album by Velvet Acid Christ. The single "Pretty Toy" contains samples of the lines "You'll never understand how much watching other people's pain gets me off...hearing their screams and knowing that I have the power of a god", "On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero" and "My God...I haven't been fucked like that since grade school." The first is from the anime "Kite" while the latter samples are lines from the film Fight Club.The song Hypoxia contains clips from the movie "The Cell." The song "Crawl" contains numerous lines and audio samples from the film The Ninth Gate. The track "Exit" contains audio clips from the movies Ghost in the Shell, The Matrix and Requiem for a Dream. "Dead Tomorrow" has

Hex Angel

Hex Angel: Utopia/Dystopia (2003) is an electro-industrial album by Velvet Acid Christ. The single "Pretty Toy" contains samples of the lines "You'll never understand how much watching other people's pain gets me off...hearing their screams and knowing that I have the power of a god", "On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero" and "My God...I haven't been fucked like that since grade school." The first is from the anime "Kite" while the latter samples are lines from the film Fight Club.The song Hypoxia contains clips from the movie "The Cell." The song "Crawl" contains numerous lines and audio samples from the film The Ninth Gate. The track "Exit" contains audio clips from the movies Ghost in the Shell, The Matrix and Requiem for a Dream. "Dead Tomorrow" has