Hinge and Bracket

Dr. Evadne Hinge and Dame Hilda Bracket were the stage personae of the musical performance and female impersonation artists George Logan and Patrick Fyffe. Active in theatre, radio and television between 1972 and Fyffe's death in 2002, this comedic partnership entertained the public in the guise of two elderly eccentric spinsters, living genteel lives in the village of Stackton Tressel and seemingly celebrating their former "careers" on the provincial operatic stage. The two ladies generally performed together, but on rare occasions did appear separately; with George Logan declining to continue the characterisation of Dr.Hinge after Fyffe died. George Logan (and Dr.Evadne Hinge) however briefly came out of retirement in 2014 to promote 'The Naked Doctor', an autobiography of the Doctor's e

Hinge and Bracket

Dr. Evadne Hinge and Dame Hilda Bracket were the stage personae of the musical performance and female impersonation artists George Logan and Patrick Fyffe. Active in theatre, radio and television between 1972 and Fyffe's death in 2002, this comedic partnership entertained the public in the guise of two elderly eccentric spinsters, living genteel lives in the village of Stackton Tressel and seemingly celebrating their former "careers" on the provincial operatic stage. The two ladies generally performed together, but on rare occasions did appear separately; with George Logan declining to continue the characterisation of Dr.Hinge after Fyffe died. George Logan (and Dr.Evadne Hinge) however briefly came out of retirement in 2014 to promote 'The Naked Doctor', an autobiography of the Doctor's e