History of the Republic of Venice

The History of the Republic of Venice traditionally begins with its foundation at noon on Friday 25 March AD 421, by authorities from Padua, to establish a trading-post in that region of northern Italy; the founding of the Venetian republic also was marked with the founding of the church of St. James. The early city of Venice existed as a collection of lagoon communities who united for mutual defence against the Lombards, as the power of the Byzantine Empire dwindled in northern Italy in the late 7th century. Early in the 8th century, the people of the lagoon elected their first leader Orso Ipato (Ursus), who was confirmed by Byzantium with the titles of hypatus and dux. Historically, Ursus was the first Doge of Venice. Tradition, however, since the early 11th century, dictates that the Ve

History of the Republic of Venice

The History of the Republic of Venice traditionally begins with its foundation at noon on Friday 25 March AD 421, by authorities from Padua, to establish a trading-post in that region of northern Italy; the founding of the Venetian republic also was marked with the founding of the church of St. James. The early city of Venice existed as a collection of lagoon communities who united for mutual defence against the Lombards, as the power of the Byzantine Empire dwindled in northern Italy in the late 7th century. Early in the 8th century, the people of the lagoon elected their first leader Orso Ipato (Ursus), who was confirmed by Byzantium with the titles of hypatus and dux. Historically, Ursus was the first Doge of Venice. Tradition, however, since the early 11th century, dictates that the Ve