Hit (Internet)

A hit is a request to a web server for a file, like a web page, image, JavaScript, or Cascading Style Sheet. When a web page is downloaded from a server the number of "hits" or "page hits" is equal to the number of files requested. Therefore, one page load does not always equal one hit because often pages are made up of other images and other files which stack up the number of hits counted. Because one page load does not equal one hit, it is an inaccurate measure of a website's popularity or web traffic. A more accurate measure of web traffic is how many page views a web site has.

Hit (Internet)

A hit is a request to a web server for a file, like a web page, image, JavaScript, or Cascading Style Sheet. When a web page is downloaded from a server the number of "hits" or "page hits" is equal to the number of files requested. Therefore, one page load does not always equal one hit because often pages are made up of other images and other files which stack up the number of hits counted. Because one page load does not equal one hit, it is an inaccurate measure of a website's popularity or web traffic. A more accurate measure of web traffic is how many page views a web site has.