Holly Lodge Girls' College

Holly Lodge Girls' College is a secondary school and sixth form for girls located in the West Derby area of Liverpool, England. It is a community school administered by Liverpool City Council. The school was originally located in the Stoneycroft area of the city, however a new building was constructed in West Derby in February 2015 to replace the older Victorian and 1930s buildings. Holly Lodge Girls' College offers GCSEs, BTECs and NVQs as programmes of study for pupils, while students in the sixth form have the option to study from a range of A-levels and further BTECs.

Holly Lodge Girls' College

Holly Lodge Girls' College is a secondary school and sixth form for girls located in the West Derby area of Liverpool, England. It is a community school administered by Liverpool City Council. The school was originally located in the Stoneycroft area of the city, however a new building was constructed in West Derby in February 2015 to replace the older Victorian and 1930s buildings. Holly Lodge Girls' College offers GCSEs, BTECs and NVQs as programmes of study for pupils, while students in the sixth form have the option to study from a range of A-levels and further BTECs.