
Hongaku (Jp: 本覚; Chinese: Ben Jue, 本覺; Korean: pon’gak) is an East Asian Buddhist doctrine often translated as "inherent", "innate", "intrinsic" or "original" enlightenment and is the view that all sentient beings already are enlightened or awakened in some way. It is closely tied with the concept of Buddha-nature and Tathagatagarbha.


Hongaku (Jp: 本覚; Chinese: Ben Jue, 本覺; Korean: pon’gak) is an East Asian Buddhist doctrine often translated as "inherent", "innate", "intrinsic" or "original" enlightenment and is the view that all sentient beings already are enlightened or awakened in some way. It is closely tied with the concept of Buddha-nature and Tathagatagarbha.