
Hooterville is a fictional farming community that is the setting for the American situation comedies Petticoat Junction (1963-1970) and Green Acres (1965-1971), two rural-oriented television shows created or commissioned by Paul Henning for Filmways and CBS. However, prior to the airing of Petticoat Junction, Hooterville is mentioned in an early episode in the first season of The Beverly Hillbillies, another Paul Henning sitcom, In this episode, Jethrine Bodine, Jethro Bodine's sister (also played by Max Baer) has a budding romance with a slick traveling salesman, Jasper, who invites her to a dance in Hooterville. Hooterville is a town, a valley, and a county, and has been described as "a place simultaneously Southern and Midwestern, but in a vague sort of way." Little concrete or reliabl


Hooterville is a fictional farming community that is the setting for the American situation comedies Petticoat Junction (1963-1970) and Green Acres (1965-1971), two rural-oriented television shows created or commissioned by Paul Henning for Filmways and CBS. However, prior to the airing of Petticoat Junction, Hooterville is mentioned in an early episode in the first season of The Beverly Hillbillies, another Paul Henning sitcom, In this episode, Jethrine Bodine, Jethro Bodine's sister (also played by Max Baer) has a budding romance with a slick traveling salesman, Jasper, who invites her to a dance in Hooterville. Hooterville is a town, a valley, and a county, and has been described as "a place simultaneously Southern and Midwestern, but in a vague sort of way." Little concrete or reliabl