
Hoplestigma is a genus of flowering plants in the family Hoplestigmataceae. Many botanists do not recognize this family and place Hoplestigma in Boraginaceae sensu lato or in Cordiaceae. Hoplestigma has two species. Both are rare trees of lowland jungle in West and Central Africa. The genus name Hoplestigma is derived from the Greek hople, "a hoof or a cloven hoof" and stigma, "a flower stigma". The botanical name is a reference to the deeply bifid style.


Hoplestigma is a genus of flowering plants in the family Hoplestigmataceae. Many botanists do not recognize this family and place Hoplestigma in Boraginaceae sensu lato or in Cordiaceae. Hoplestigma has two species. Both are rare trees of lowland jungle in West and Central Africa. The genus name Hoplestigma is derived from the Greek hople, "a hoof or a cloven hoof" and stigma, "a flower stigma". The botanical name is a reference to the deeply bifid style.