Houthi takeover in Yemen

The Houthi takeover in Yemen, also known as the September 21 Revolution, was a takeover by the Ansar Allah (commonly known as the Houthis, a group of Zaydi fighters led by Abdul Malik al-Houthi) that pushed the Yemeni government from power. This began with the resignation of Prime Minister Mohammed Basindawa after Houthi insurgents stormed the Yemeni capital Sana'a on 21 September 2014, escalated with the resignation of President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi and his ministers on 22 January 2015 after Houthi forces seized the presidential palace, residence, and key military installations, and culminated in the dissolution of parliament and the formation of a ruling council by Houthi militants on 6 February 2015.

Houthi takeover in Yemen

The Houthi takeover in Yemen, also known as the September 21 Revolution, was a takeover by the Ansar Allah (commonly known as the Houthis, a group of Zaydi fighters led by Abdul Malik al-Houthi) that pushed the Yemeni government from power. This began with the resignation of Prime Minister Mohammed Basindawa after Houthi insurgents stormed the Yemeni capital Sana'a on 21 September 2014, escalated with the resignation of President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi and his ministers on 22 January 2015 after Houthi forces seized the presidential palace, residence, and key military installations, and culminated in the dissolution of parliament and the formation of a ruling council by Houthi militants on 6 February 2015.