
The Hovpartiet (English: Royal Court Party) was the name for a political group in Sweden during the age of liberty. It had the goal to strengthen royal power against the parliament of the Riksdag of the Estates. It is most known in history as the force behind Queen Louisa Ulrika's Coup of 1756, but it did in fact exist in some form or another from 1723 until Gustav III:s Revolution of 1772 when its goal of an absolute monarchy was finally realized.


The Hovpartiet (English: Royal Court Party) was the name for a political group in Sweden during the age of liberty. It had the goal to strengthen royal power against the parliament of the Riksdag of the Estates. It is most known in history as the force behind Queen Louisa Ulrika's Coup of 1756, but it did in fact exist in some form or another from 1723 until Gustav III:s Revolution of 1772 when its goal of an absolute monarchy was finally realized.