Ice Harbor Brewing Company

Ice Harbor Brewing Company is a brewery founded in Pasco, Washington in 1996 by two former workers at the Hanford Site. They entered this venture after buying the Meheen & Collins brewery. The brewery is located in what was once a grain mill at 206 N. Benton St. in Kennewick, Washington. This building serves as a brewery, and as a brewpub. The menu offers sandwiches and various fare as well as the brewery's creations. The brewpub recently installed a beer engine, which allows the beer to be pulled from the cask, rather than pushed by carbon dioxide gas. The brewpub is believed to be the only Tri-City brewpub that uses such a device.

Ice Harbor Brewing Company

Ice Harbor Brewing Company is a brewery founded in Pasco, Washington in 1996 by two former workers at the Hanford Site. They entered this venture after buying the Meheen & Collins brewery. The brewery is located in what was once a grain mill at 206 N. Benton St. in Kennewick, Washington. This building serves as a brewery, and as a brewpub. The menu offers sandwiches and various fare as well as the brewery's creations. The brewpub recently installed a beer engine, which allows the beer to be pulled from the cask, rather than pushed by carbon dioxide gas. The brewpub is believed to be the only Tri-City brewpub that uses such a device.