Iliaș of Moldavia

Iliaş or Ilie I was Prince (Voivode) of Moldavia twice: from January 1432 to October 1433 and with his brother Stephen II from August 1435 to May 1443. The son of Prince Alexandru cel Bun and Ana Neacşa, he was designated co-ruler and nominated successor by his father. In 1433, Iliaş pledged his vassalage to Władysław II Jagiełło, Jagiellon King of Poland. He married Maria, a scion of the Olshanski family of Lithuanian nobility (granddaughter of Ivan Olshanski and sister of Władysław II's wife, Sophia of Halshany). Iliaş and Maria had at least two sons, Roman II and Alexăndrel.

Iliaș of Moldavia

Iliaş or Ilie I was Prince (Voivode) of Moldavia twice: from January 1432 to October 1433 and with his brother Stephen II from August 1435 to May 1443. The son of Prince Alexandru cel Bun and Ana Neacşa, he was designated co-ruler and nominated successor by his father. In 1433, Iliaş pledged his vassalage to Władysław II Jagiełło, Jagiellon King of Poland. He married Maria, a scion of the Olshanski family of Lithuanian nobility (granddaughter of Ivan Olshanski and sister of Władysław II's wife, Sophia of Halshany). Iliaş and Maria had at least two sons, Roman II and Alexăndrel.