
Illite is a non-expanding clay crystalline mineral. Illite is a secondary mineral precipitate phyllosilicate or layered alumino-silicate. Its structure is a 2:1 clay of silica tetrahedron – alumina octahedron – silica tetrahedron layers. The space between individual clay crystals is occupied by poorly hydrated potassium cations which is responsible for the absence of swelling. Structurally, illite is quite similar to muscovite with slightly more silicon, magnesium, iron, and water and slightly less tetrahedral aluminium and interlayer potassium. The chemical formula is given as (K,H3O)(Al,Mg,Fe)2(Si,Al)4O10[(OH)2,(H2O)], but there is considerable ion (isomorphic) substitution. It occurs as aggregates of small monoclinic grey to white crystals. Due to the small size, positive identification


Illite is a non-expanding clay crystalline mineral. Illite is a secondary mineral precipitate phyllosilicate or layered alumino-silicate. Its structure is a 2:1 clay of silica tetrahedron – alumina octahedron – silica tetrahedron layers. The space between individual clay crystals is occupied by poorly hydrated potassium cations which is responsible for the absence of swelling. Structurally, illite is quite similar to muscovite with slightly more silicon, magnesium, iron, and water and slightly less tetrahedral aluminium and interlayer potassium. The chemical formula is given as (K,H3O)(Al,Mg,Fe)2(Si,Al)4O10[(OH)2,(H2O)], but there is considerable ion (isomorphic) substitution. It occurs as aggregates of small monoclinic grey to white crystals. Due to the small size, positive identification