Illustrations of Japan

The Dutch-language book Bijzonderheden over Japan, behelzende een verslag van de huwelijks plechtigheden, begrafenissen en feesten der Japanezen, de gedenkschriften der laatste Japansche keizers, en andere merkwaardigheden nopens dat rij. Uit het Engelsch, met gekleurde platen naar Japansche originelen is about Japanese history, customs and ceremonies during the Tokugawa period observed by Dutch senior official in the VOC Isaac Titsingh, published in 1824 in The Hague by Wed. J.Allart. It was based on the English book Illustrations of Japan; consisting of Private Memoirs and Anecdotes of the reigning dynasty of The Djogouns, or Sovereigns of Japan; a description of the Feasts and Ceremonies observed throughout the year at their Court; and of the Ceremonies customary at Marriages and Funera

Illustrations of Japan

The Dutch-language book Bijzonderheden over Japan, behelzende een verslag van de huwelijks plechtigheden, begrafenissen en feesten der Japanezen, de gedenkschriften der laatste Japansche keizers, en andere merkwaardigheden nopens dat rij. Uit het Engelsch, met gekleurde platen naar Japansche originelen is about Japanese history, customs and ceremonies during the Tokugawa period observed by Dutch senior official in the VOC Isaac Titsingh, published in 1824 in The Hague by Wed. J.Allart. It was based on the English book Illustrations of Japan; consisting of Private Memoirs and Anecdotes of the reigning dynasty of The Djogouns, or Sovereigns of Japan; a description of the Feasts and Ceremonies observed throughout the year at their Court; and of the Ceremonies customary at Marriages and Funera