Immortal: The Invisible War

Immortal: The Invisible War is a role-playing game created by artist and writer Ran Valerhon. Characters discover that they are part of an ancient race of shape-shifters with the power to alter reality itself. Immortals have the ability to literally reinvent themselves through a special form of reincarnation-like evolution. Characters may have been an ancient god, mythical creature, or legendary hero in a former incarnation. As the characters struggle to remember who and what they truly are these past-lives continue to inform, empower, and confound the character's current incarnation; They also must re-acclimate to a millennia old war against dark forces to save their last bastion in the universe, Earth.

Immortal: The Invisible War

Immortal: The Invisible War is a role-playing game created by artist and writer Ran Valerhon. Characters discover that they are part of an ancient race of shape-shifters with the power to alter reality itself. Immortals have the ability to literally reinvent themselves through a special form of reincarnation-like evolution. Characters may have been an ancient god, mythical creature, or legendary hero in a former incarnation. As the characters struggle to remember who and what they truly are these past-lives continue to inform, empower, and confound the character's current incarnation; They also must re-acclimate to a millennia old war against dark forces to save their last bastion in the universe, Earth.