Indicator net

Constructed using light steel nets, indicator nets were often anchored at various depths to the sea bed around Allied naval bases during both world wars. They were intended to entangle U-boat traffic of the enemy, even though the submarines often managed to disentangle themselves and escape before being blown up by depth charges. Predominantly deployed by the Royal Navy as a means of discouraging enemy submarines from entering Allied waters, indicator nets were used extensively during the war. Individual nets were sometimes as much as 100 metres (330 ft) in length.

Indicator net

Constructed using light steel nets, indicator nets were often anchored at various depths to the sea bed around Allied naval bases during both world wars. They were intended to entangle U-boat traffic of the enemy, even though the submarines often managed to disentangle themselves and escape before being blown up by depth charges. Predominantly deployed by the Royal Navy as a means of discouraging enemy submarines from entering Allied waters, indicator nets were used extensively during the war. Individual nets were sometimes as much as 100 metres (330 ft) in length.