Indigenous peoples in Uruguay

Indigenous peoples in Uruguay, or Native Uruguayans, are practically extinct. Scholars do not agree about the first settlers in what is now Uruguay; but there is evidence that there was human presence some 10,000 years BCE, the Homo catalanensis culture. Indigenous Uruguayans disappeared in the 1830s, and with the exception of the Guaraní, little is known about these peoples, and even less about their genetic characteristics. Other significant tribes were the Minuane, Yaro, Güenoa, Chaná, Bohán, Arachán. Languages once spoken in the area include Charrúa, Chaná, Güenoa, Guaraní.

Indigenous peoples in Uruguay

Indigenous peoples in Uruguay, or Native Uruguayans, are practically extinct. Scholars do not agree about the first settlers in what is now Uruguay; but there is evidence that there was human presence some 10,000 years BCE, the Homo catalanensis culture. Indigenous Uruguayans disappeared in the 1830s, and with the exception of the Guaraní, little is known about these peoples, and even less about their genetic characteristics. Other significant tribes were the Minuane, Yaro, Güenoa, Chaná, Bohán, Arachán. Languages once spoken in the area include Charrúa, Chaná, Güenoa, Guaraní.