Inertial number

The Inertial number quantifies the significance of dynamic effects in a granular material. It measures the ratio of inertial forces of grains to imposed forces: a small value corresponds to the quasi-static state, while a high value corresponds to the inertial state or even the "dynamic" state. where is the shear rate, the average particle diameter, is the pressure and is the density. Generally three regimes are distinguished: * : quasi static flow * : dense flow * : collisional flow

Inertial number

The Inertial number quantifies the significance of dynamic effects in a granular material. It measures the ratio of inertial forces of grains to imposed forces: a small value corresponds to the quasi-static state, while a high value corresponds to the inertial state or even the "dynamic" state. where is the shear rate, the average particle diameter, is the pressure and is the density. Generally three regimes are distinguished: * : quasi static flow * : dense flow * : collisional flow