Intel XDK

Intel XDK is a development kit created by Intel to create native apps for mobile phones and tablets using web technologies like HTML5, CSS and JavaScript. Apps are compiled online via the Cordova platform for making cross-platform apps. It is available to download for free for Windows, OS X and Linux (both 32-bit and 64-bit). The kit allows a developer to compile the same solution to different platforms, thus reducing the amount of code required to ship a cross-platform product. The XDK was first launched in October 2013.

Intel XDK

Intel XDK is a development kit created by Intel to create native apps for mobile phones and tablets using web technologies like HTML5, CSS and JavaScript. Apps are compiled online via the Cordova platform for making cross-platform apps. It is available to download for free for Windows, OS X and Linux (both 32-bit and 64-bit). The kit allows a developer to compile the same solution to different platforms, thus reducing the amount of code required to ship a cross-platform product. The XDK was first launched in October 2013.