International Bible Society

In March 2007, IBS merged with Send the Light (STL), a UK-based, Christian-resources distribution organization established in 1957 by Operation Mobilization founder George Verwer. STL has become one of the largest distributors of Christian resources, with distribution centers in the UK, India, and the U.S. STL also has retail operations in various parts of the world. The combined organization was named IBS-STL until 2009, when the more descriptive name Biblica was chosen to represent the global organization and reflect its emphasis on the Bible.

International Bible Society

In March 2007, IBS merged with Send the Light (STL), a UK-based, Christian-resources distribution organization established in 1957 by Operation Mobilization founder George Verwer. STL has become one of the largest distributors of Christian resources, with distribution centers in the UK, India, and the U.S. STL also has retail operations in various parts of the world. The combined organization was named IBS-STL until 2009, when the more descriptive name Biblica was chosen to represent the global organization and reflect its emphasis on the Bible.